Events: Alex Champion’s Weeks 8-10

Despite Annapolis’ small size, and the proximity of cultural and economic centers like Washington, D.C.and Baltimore, there are plenty of amusements and edifying activities if one seeks them out. Four Rivers Run Deep Authorized by an act of the Maryland legislature in 1996, the Maryland Heritage Areas Program fosters tourism and education through eleven certified…

Chicago State of Mind: Alex Champion’s Week 2

(This post originally appeared on June 17, 2012 for The HistoryMakers Fellowship, Mentoring, Training and Placement Institute) As America’s second city Chicago is a smaller version of old New York with its vibrant neighborhoods and tall buildings. As America’s second city Chicago is more compact than Los Angeles; these combinations afford Chicago’s neighborhoods a fiefdom-like…

Week 1

(This post originally appeared on June 8, 2012 for The HistoryMakers Fellowship, Mentoring, Training and Placement Institute) <alexChampion> Upon my arrival to The HistoryMakers office in the South Loop on June 3rd, 2012, I readily observed the high degree of professionalism that emanated from every department. More than a digital archive, The HistoryMakers are a…